Neurophilosopher had a great
post yesterday on the history of trepanation, the skull surgery that's been performed in one way or another since prehistoric times. The money quote:
In his treatises on surgery, ParĂ© also described “trepanes or round saws for cutting out a circular piece of bone with a sharp-pointed nail in the centre projecting beyond the teeth,” and another trepan with a transverse handle. The mechanical cogwheel trepan (above left) was invented by Matthia Narvatio in Antwerp in 1575. The cogwheel was connected to a second wheel which rotated a circular saw that cut through the bone. This instrument was used much in the same way as a modern hand drill - held in one hand and cranked with the other.
Warning: Not for the faint of heart!
Documentary Examines Benefits Of Drilling A Hole In One's Head
It would seem common sense that drilling a hole in one's head would not be recommended for one's health and well being. Really? What if you were told that Bill Clinton's mentor at Oxford University, Lord James Neidpath, drilled a hole in his head? Or that the procedure is as old as the ancient Egyptians and Incas that practiced it? Or that those who have undergone the surgery report added energy, increased brain power, and even induce a permanent feeling of high?
It is the strange phenomena of trepanation, the procedure of drilling a small hole through one's skull, that is examined by an hour-long documentary released by alternative/rock musician Cevin Soling. 'A Hole In the Head' examines the development of "modern" trepanation as used by people in the United Kingdom, the United States, and The Netherlands for the purpose of attaining a higher level of consciousness.
"It was the fact that trepanation might have beneficial effects to enhance one's state of mind that intrigued me," said Producer Cevin Soling. "Amazingly, no one had done a proper study to find out the veracity of the claims, so I decided to make the film to find an answer."
Originally broadcast on the Discovery and Learning Channels, now available on DVD, the film won the Best Documentary Award at both the Atlantic City and Brooklyn International Film Festivals.
The DVD can purchased online at http://www.holeintheheadmovie.com
Writer/director/producer/artist Cevin Soling ( http://www.cevinsoling.com ), President of Spectacle Films, Xemu Records, and World Watch Productions is involved in many facets of the entertainment industry. In addition to his film work, Soling has been active in the music industry via his record company, Xemu Records. He currently writes and performs with The Love Kills Theory ( http://www.thelovekillstheory.com ) - a band inspired by the Situationist philosophical movement and as well as bio-genetic studies on the evolution of despair. Their debut CD, Happy Suicide, Jim!, was released in January of 2007.
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